Exos Heroes

Beckoning Banga Jinn! Exos Heroes - PlayWhatever
After a LONG week it' was awesome to get a neat surprise of pulling Jinn's exclusive weapon at the Door of Creation!

What better excuse is there than this to try to pull for the Exos Heroes Gold Fate Core Banga Jinn? Afterall, we have the perfect weapon ready to equipped to have him look good and... kill...? good? :D

Come join my Exos Heroes summon session to get our cute little Banga Jinn to our Exos Heroes team!
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Don't Die Dyeing - Exos Heroes Dye Tip - PlayWhatever
Some may argue cosmetics is not a necessary part of any game but it's an aspect that I've always enjoyed in any games and so wanted to share this opinion/tip to dye on a budget.

The opinion is to check the 3 dye-able areas first and where on the hero it dyes, and lock the staple/basic main area of the hero's outfit first and pay the extra ticket to dye the hero.
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Exos Heroes Discord Emojis Pack - PlayWhatever

Do you have a discord server of friends that play Exos Heroes? Download this Discord emoji pack with 12 basic Exos Heroes icons to customize your server!

You can download and use these emojis for free for your discord use, but please do not redesign or redistribute them. Download is a zip file containing 12 separate icons.


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